Short Bio

I am a lens based artist based in Birmingham, Alabama. My work explores the interplay of light and shadow, revealing unseen elements through experimental photography, digital printing, sculpture, and installation.


Capturing and archiving a photograph is a form of possession. It is a way to hold onto reality and signify presence in that moment. My artistic objective is to destabilize the narrative within a photographic image. By stripping away the subject matter, inherent energies in the image emerge, revealing another way of seeing.     

Manipulating the digital image through abstraction and inversion creates a reciprocal relationship between the seen and unseen, opacity and transparency. I push this further by turning the image into a three-dimensional object, using assemblage techniques of weaving, sewing, and knitting, creating atmospheric forms that interact with light and shadow. Furthermore, when activated by shifts in perspective and ambulation around the work, change reverberates, creating a dialogue where the inner world of the object and the outer world of the observer converge. 

Resume / CV